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Philip Alm

CEO & Co-Founder

Philip Alm

CEO & Co-Founder

David Bacelj

CPO & Co-Founder

David Bacelj

CPO & Co-Founder

Philip Alm

CEO & Co-Founder

David Bacelj

CPO & Co-Founder

Other inquiries: hello@viss.ai, +46 076-044 20 22

Huskvarnavägen 82, 554 66 Jönköping

Explore and discover new powerful ways of automating tasks, saving time and creating new value – simply by talking.

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+46 76-044 20 22

Huskvarnavägen 82, 554 66 Jönköping

© 2024 VISSAI AB. All rights reserved.

Explore and discover new powerful ways of automating tasks, saving time and creating new value – simply by talking.

Contact Us


+46 76-044 20 22

Huskvarnavägen 82, 554 66 Jönköping

© 2024 VISSAI AB. All rights reserved.

Explore and discover new powerful ways of automating tasks, saving time and creating new value – simply by talking.

Contact Us


+46 76-044 20 22

Huskvarnavägen 82, 554 66 Jönköping

© 2024 VISSAI AB. All rights reserved.